Welcome to my little patch of cyberspace, those few of you who have straggled out this far. I'm definitely a Boomer, not a Sooner.
What finally convinced me to stake out this homestead was publishing my second book. I had been a long-time consumer of blogs--mostly politically liberal ones, as well as a few related to academia--but had resisted setting up my own. But with the release of Bigfoot: The Life and Times of a Legend, I saw the need.
A website allowed me to connect with a lot of the discussion going on about the book, and aggregate it. It also would give me a chance to talk back with readers, without clogging up the comments sections of other sites.
Finally, for all the talk about the Internet changing the media environment, I could now see in a visceral way how much that was true. And I thought that I should get up to speed for my next book, if nothing else.
Thus was born, "From an Oblique Angle."
My plan is to update this blog daily, mostly with notes as I work towards the next book. So, if you are interested in the history of science, Forteanism, and related topics--this is the place.
But, that's just for starters.