Articles and Short Works
“Wildmen on the Cyberfrontier: The Computer Geek as an Iteration in the American Wildman Lore Cycle,” Folklore 121 (2010): 61-80.
"Do You Believe in Santa Cla -- er, Bigfoot?," Washington Post Short Stack 18 December 2009.
Joshua Blu Buhs, "Bigfoot: The Life and Times of a Legend," New York Post 28 June 2009.
“The Fire Ant Wars: Nature and Science in the Pesticide Controversies of the Late Twentieth Century,” (REPRINT) Environmental History and the American South: An Anthology of Recent Work, Edited by Christopher Manganiello and Paul S. Sutter (Athens, University of Georgia Press, 2009), 345-71.
“Ground Zero in the Fire Ant Wars,” Alabama Heritage, Fall 2006, Issue 82, 24-31
“The Fire Ant Wars: Nature and Science in the Pesticide Controversies of the Late Twentieth Century,” Isis 93 (2002): 377-400. (Winner, Henry and Ida Schuman Prize, 2001.)
“Dead Cows on a Georgia Field: Mapping the Cultural Landscape of the Post-World War II American Pesticide Controversies,” Environmental History, 7 (2002): 99-121.
“Anagenesis vs. Cladogenesis,” The World of Genetics, Lerner and Lerner Publishing, 2002, 27.
“Character Displacement,” The World of Genetics, Lerner and Lerner Publishing, 2002, 128.
"Building on Bedrock: William Steel Creighton and the Reformation of Ant Systematics, 1925–1970," Journal of the History of Biology 33 (2000): 27-70. (Winner, Forum for the History of Science in America Young Scholars' Publication Prize, 2003.
Three Books on UFOs, Washington Post 13 October 2010, C04.
Review, Claire Strom, Making Catfish Bait Out of Government Boys: The Fight Against Cattle Ticks and the Transformation of the Yeoman South, Agricultural History 84 (2010): 558-559.
Review, James E. McWilliams, American Pests: The Losing War on Insects from Colonial Times to DDT, Journal of Southern History 75 (2009): 1036-1037.
Review, Charlotte Sleigh, Six Legs Better: A Cultural History of Myrmecology, Isis 98 (2007): 855-856.
"Of Moths and Men, or, Why Did Massachusetts Try to Eradicate the Gypsy Moth?," Review, Robert J. Spear, The Great Gypsy Moth War, H-Environment September 2006.
Review, Paul Shepard, Where We Belong: Beyond Abstraction in Perceiving Nature, Environmental History 9 (October 2004): 746-747.