A doubtful Fortean.
The only mention of Art Young comes as a eulogy. On page 148 of The Fortean Society Magazine, Thayer reprinted a famous cartoon by Art Young, and mentions him as “a Fortean from way back.” The cartoon, titled Poisoned at Its Source, ran in way back in 1914, carried by the magazine The Masses, which was a socialist-inflected bohemian rag. At the time, Young was standing up for organized labor, against media demonization. Thayer wrote, while “labor disputes, as such, are not the province of the Fortean Society, the poisoning go the ‘news’ is.” He thought that the UPI or International News—or the Office of War Information—could fill the role played by the Associated Press in Young’s cartoon.
I can find no connection between Young and Fort beyond Thayer—Thayer and Young ran in overlapping social circles. Like many of the other unlikely Forteans—Darrow, Holmes—it is likely that Thayer approached Young, and got at least vague approbation of Fort or the Society. Beyond that, Young was unconnected to Forteanism, I strongly suspect.
The only mention of Art Young comes as a eulogy. On page 148 of The Fortean Society Magazine, Thayer reprinted a famous cartoon by Art Young, and mentions him as “a Fortean from way back.” The cartoon, titled Poisoned at Its Source, ran in way back in 1914, carried by the magazine The Masses, which was a socialist-inflected bohemian rag. At the time, Young was standing up for organized labor, against media demonization. Thayer wrote, while “labor disputes, as such, are not the province of the Fortean Society, the poisoning go the ‘news’ is.” He thought that the UPI or International News—or the Office of War Information—could fill the role played by the Associated Press in Young’s cartoon.
I can find no connection between Young and Fort beyond Thayer—Thayer and Young ran in overlapping social circles. Like many of the other unlikely Forteans—Darrow, Holmes—it is likely that Thayer approached Young, and got at least vague approbation of Fort or the Society. Beyond that, Young was unconnected to Forteanism, I strongly suspect.